He told me about it before, and I already told him that i'll borrow it. He gave it to me yesterday, with one question before he let go of it: "Kelan mo sosoli pag pinahiram ko sayo ngayon?"
I said, "Two days."
I returned it to him today, with one statement before I did: "3 hours and 27 minutes."
Yes, I read it within 3 hours and 27 minutes straight, with one pee break. It will be an understatement if i say that it was moving.
I'd say that I hated it.
I hated it because I can relate to it.
I hated it because it was an ingenious book, and the writer was brilliant.
I hated it because since it was an ingenious book and the writer was brilliant, I saw Arolf in it.
I hated it because I saw how Arolf's mind works.
I hated it since because of it I saw how Arolf's mind works, I realized that it wasn't how it should work.
I hated it because it made me worry about what will happen to Arolf when he gets older.
I hated it because it made me realize that if Ronald and I part ways, something like this can happen to Arolf.
I hated it because it was supposed to be some sort of a funny book to most people, and I found myself in tears.
There were a lot of reasons why I hated it... but mostly, I hated it because it made me weaker.
People look up to me as someone who has gone through a lot. Whether it may be with my personal life, or with Arolf's condition. I always see to it that people do not see me as someone who cannot take what life gives me. I hate it when I cry in front of someone else. I hate it when I admit that I need help.
But in reality, I do need help. In all aspects of my life.
Anyway, I'd still suggest that you buy and read it, 'coz i know that not everything is about me.
my fingers are cold.
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