Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dale and his fascination with Minecraft and drawing

Dale has been keeping notebook after notebook of drawings.  He has about 20 big notebooks that he fills up with cartoon characters.  He sort of migrated to using paint and Photoshop, but he still draws in his notebooks.  Here are some of his drawings:

Aren't they cute?  :)

He also has a YouTube channel now for when he plays Minecraft and records them (gift he asked from my Mom is payment for the game and Bandicam, a video recording software).  This is the first video he made, I was in awe because I could understand what he was saying!

Because in real life, we really cannot understand him most of the time because he talks too fast.  Before he started this, I was kind of skeptical because I told him that maybe the people who will watch the video cannot understand him.   I even asked him to disable comments because I told him I might not get over negative comments (LOL).

His siblings told me that Dale is a bit of boastful jerk in online gaming communities.  He seems like a know-it-all.  I told him not to boastful and he said he wasn't.  He also congratulates them if they kill his character.  Haha.

To end this post, here is his YouTube channel intro:

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